Important Dates:
- Deadline for the submission of abstracts: October 31, 2022
- Announcement of the accepted abstracts: November 7, 2022
- Deadline for the submission of full papers: January 31, 2023
- Peer (referee) review of the papers: TBA
Late Registration Fees (Taxes Included):
- Ankara University Graduate Program Students: 1.750 ₺
- Ankara University Undergraduate Program Students: 800 ₺
- Other University Graduate Program Students: 2.700 ₺
- Other University Undergraduate Program Students: 1.200 ₺
- Academic Staff: 1.750 ₺
- Foreign Attendees: 550 €
- Foreign Attendees: 650 $
- Members of Real Estate Development and Management Association: 2.700 ₺
- Other Attendees: 3.900 ₺
Registration Steps:
- According to the related registration type, fee should be transferred to the relevant account below.
- By using the payment receipt, registration should be made using the form below.
NGN Mimarlık İnşaat Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
Vakıflar Bank Fatih Şubesi, İstanbul, TURKEY
Turkish Lira IBAN: TR47 0001 5001 5800 7305 4648 56
US Dollar IBAN: TR38 0001 5001 5804 8021 2554 67
Euro IBAN: TR81 0001 5001 5804 8021 2554 69
Click here to fill out the ICREDM2023 Registration Form.
Our online registration is closed. Thank you for your attention. Interested parties can make payment and/or registration at the hotel.